Mobility Week in Verviers - Full programme

Mobility Week will take place this year from September 16 to 22, 2024. This annual campaign, launched in 2002, aims to raise awareness among all European citizens about alternatives to cars, such as public transportation, cycling, walking, or carpooling. Throughout Europe, dozens of cities and regions are mobilizing for this Mobility Week.

Program for the 2024 edition:

Monday, September 16 – Seniors’ Refresher Course

Seniors’ refresher course on traffic rules - from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the Wool and Fashion Tourist Center (CTLM). Info and registration: 087 325 316 or

Tuesday, September 17 – Roulez Jeunesse

Roulez Jeunesse - from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM, at the Espace Duesberg. An event for high school seniors from Verviers schools, aimed at raising awareness about the dangers of using alcohol, drugs, and cell phones while driving. A traffic accident survivor will share their experience. New this year, with cycling as the central theme of the week, we will also have the testimony of a young woman whose life was changed. A police officer from the Vesdre Zone will moderate the event. Info: 087 325 269 or

Wednesday, September 18 – Testimonials: Cycling for Leisure and Pleasure

Debate on the theme "Cycling for Leisure and Pleasure" - from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, at Duesberg. Various speakers will share their experiences, including:

  • Damien LOX, a Verviers native who explored Asia by bike. He will present a ten-minute documentary.
  • François HALLUT cycled around Belgium. He will also share a report.
  • Monique ROME regularly goes on cycling vacations and is about to embark on the EuroVelo 15. This is the Rhine Cycle Route, suitable for cyclists of all levels, running along the Rhine from the Swiss Alps to the North Sea. Documentaries will be shown, stories shared, and there will be interaction with the audience. Sandra CORMAN, a mobility reference agent at SWDE, will moderate the debate. Info and registration: 087 325 316 or

Thursday, September 19 – Highlighting Schools

Highlighting the schools Linaigrettes and Boulevards that participated in the challenge launched by the Walloon Region: "Emile, the Mobile Snake". This challenge is aimed at fifth and sixth-grade students (about a hundred students) and their parents to encourage them to travel differently than by car (walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling, etc.). As a reward, students will receive a backpack with the City logo. On September 19, we will also support the cycling license initiative at the Eastern school. More info on this challenge at

Friday, September 20 – Promoting Soft Mobility

At 8:00 AM, in the various buildings of the Municipal Administration for municipal employees: breakfast.

A breakfast will be organized to thank employees who came to work using a soft mobility mode (walking, cycling, bus, carpooling). This operation is part of the SPW Mobility initiative "Tous vélo actifs", a label awarded to companies and public institutions that develop initiatives to promote cycling within their structures for their employees. An external auditor visited on May 13 to analyze what is being done in terms of infrastructure, communication, mileage allowances, and actions/activities. Based on this, an action plan was drawn up, and recommendations were made. Additionally, a session on stereotypes about cycling will be offered to municipal employees on Friday, September 20, at 12:00 PM, presented by an SPW Mobility agent.

Saturday, September 21

Cycling Information Rally and Bike Exchange - Place Verte - from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Cycling Information Rally organized by the training center of the "Vélo Club Ardennes" in the form of 7 workshops (agility circuit, games, tire changing, bike condition check, general cycling knowledge questions). Bike Exchange; second-hand bikes such as city bikes, mountain bikes, hybrid bikes, road bikes, tandems... and scooters in good working condition will be accepted by Decathlon technicians on Friday, September 20, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Place Verte. Upon drop-off, a condition check will be done, and a form will be filled out with the seller's details, a description of the bike, and the asking price. The sale will take place the next day (Saturday, September 21) between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM at Place Verte, conducted by Decathlon. The sale proceeds will be returned to the sellers in the form of PURCHASE VOUCHERS to be exchanged at Decathlon, not in cash. The vouchers will be distributed at the end of the bike exchange, at 5:00 PM on Saturday, September 21, upon presentation of the deposit receipt. Unclaimed bikes can also be picked up between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM. Bikes not collected by 6:00 PM will become the property of Decathlon and cannot be reclaimed. More info from Decathlon, Mr. Marot 0475/82.65.94

Sunday, September 22 – Guided Walks and Bike Rides

Guided walks and bike rides – Tourist Office of the Pays de Vesdre (MTPV) - from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

  • Route of Famous Verviers Residents – City Center Route: Walking route - Distance: 3 km – Duration: 1 hour – Difficulty: easy
  • Bike route highlighting node points - Distance: 17.3 km - Departure from rue Xhavée
  • Family bike route - Distance: 5.2 km - Departure from the Tourist Office, rue Xhavée

Reservations are encouraged at MTPV: 087 787 999 or A welcome breakfast will be offered to all participants. Additionally, a bike condition check workshop will be offered by the REPAIR CAFE association.

Focus on the guided tours on Sunday 22/09 here.

activities in English

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  • 4800 Verviers
  • Belgique
  • 50.59177
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  • Sporting activities