
Commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Mont-Dison

As part of the commemoration of the ‘80th anniversary of the liberation of Mont-Dison’, to be held on 7-8 September 2024, discover an exhibition of various Belgian and American archive documents, photos, period objects, etc. and the presence of military vehicles.

Meet up at the Cercle Royal St Jean-Baptiste, the village hall in Mont-Dison.

Full programme of the commemoration, by the ASBL Cercle Royal Saint-Jean-Baptiste

Friday 6/09

From 13:30, opening of the exhibition for school children.

At 19:30, official opening of the exhibition in the presence of numerous guests. Background music from the period.

Saturday 7/09 

At 9.30 am, flowers are laid at the commemorative plaque "Jean BAGUETTE", 1st Deputy Public Prosecutor of Verviers and founder of the Cercle Royal Saint Jean-Bapstiste, in the presence of the flags of the FNAPG and the Famille des Combattants. 

Saturday 7/09 & Sunday 9/09

From 10am to 6pm: opening of the exhibition (free admission), snack bar (hot dog and doughnuts), period music, period vehicles with the participation of the group "Liège 44 - Libération de la Province de Liège" in the square. 

Follow the news of this event on Facebook.

Only in french

  • Rue de Mont, 155
  • 4820 Dison
  • Belgique
  • Cercle Royal St Jean-Baptiste
  • 50.61532
  • 5.86366
  • 9


07 Sep 08 Sep

From 10:00 to 18:00


  • Exhibition