
Exhibition: Bruno Jan presents "Mines de riens

The Tourist Office is pleased to welcome Bruno Jan for a new art exhibition: "Mines de riens".

Introduction: Over time and with changing trends, the world of Visual Arts has diversified. There is an abundance: Naïve Art, Decorative Art, Modern Art, Povera Art, Brut Art, Exotic Art, Expressionism, Contemporary Art, etc., etc., etc. In many of today's creations, the notions of poetry and aesthetics are often omitted. The pursuit of beauty is mostly absent, and often the opposite is sought: works made to provoke, images of this increasingly violent and absurd world. Are there criteria to determine if a creation is artistic or not? Everything is ART, and everyone can be an ARTIST!!!

Presentation: BRUNO JAN is a self-taught artist who has developed his skills over the years through reading and visiting museums and exhibitions. His vision of art is eclectic. For about twenty years, he has expressed himself through painting.

Now, following his dreams, imagination, and fantasy, he has set his pencils in motion to create Mines de riens: unpretentious drawings, often with a search for pure lines and aesthetics. They may sometimes invite some philosophical reflections and meditations. He hopes you will find in these dreamy drawings a bit of the spirit, sensitivity, poetry, and sometimes humor that animated the artists of the past. ENJOY! And if you want to see more, visit his website: BRUNOJAN.BE

Free entry and no reservation required. Open from Monday to Sunday, from 9 AM to 5 PM without interruption.

Information: Tourist Office of the Pays de Vesdre, rue Xhavée 61, 4800 Verviers – 087/78 79 99 – and Note: The exhibition room is located on the first floor of the Tourist Office. Access is only via the staircase.

  • Rue Xhavée, 61
  • 4800 Verviers
  • Belgique
  • Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Vesdre
  • 50.5909
  • 5.85865
  • 9


24 Aug 15 Sep

From 09:00 to 17:00


  • Exhibition